Istanbul The Ultimate Guide / Saffet Emre Tonguç

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Istanbul The Ultimate Guide / Saffet Emre Tonguç

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Istanbul The Ultimate Guide / Saffet Emre Tonguç

Istanbul The Ultimate Guide
Saffet Emre Tonguç / İstanbul Büyük Şehir Belediyesi (Kültür A.Ş.) Yay.
  • Basım Yılı: 2021
  • Sayfa Sayısı: 656
  • Kağıt Türü: Kitap Kağıdı
  • Ebat: 19 x 20
  • Dil: İngilizce
  • Cilt Durumu: Karton Kapak
  • ISBN-13: 9786257288538
  • Yazar: Saffet Emre Tonguç
A Tale of Two Continents...
Istanbul is my love! Up until now I have declared this love through books countless newspaper and magazine articles frequent tours and TV programs. But I always feel that I can never talk enough about this love.
Talking and writing about exploring and loving Istanbul is an endless passion of mine. That is why whatever I do I do it with fresh enthusiasm. To share my enthusiasm I wrote Istanbul The Ultimate Guide. As I toiled I discovered once again that this city has truly stolen my heart.
In this book I wanted to tell you a tale of Istanbul. And Istanbul gave me the most magnificent of tales. My aim was to draw a picture of this city and it unfolded all its colours before me. And it did so with ecstasy! With surprises! With generosity...
Under the light of 8500 years of history it wasn't easy to describe a city so exultant always surprising a city that you can't get enough of exploring and that teases you with its uniqueness.
As you get lost in the pages you will go on a journey through Istanbul from a brand new point of view and witness the richness of Istanbul with buildings that have never previously appeared in the same frame.
I tell you about an Istanbul. An Istanbul that is multicultural multicoloured that blends the old and the new preserves differences side by side in its bosom reconciles resentments with its beauty and amazes with its history.
My wish is that you get lost in the pages and carried away with the magic of this love...

Ürün Özellikleri

  • Yayın Tarihi


  • ISBN


  • Yayınevi

    İstanbul Büyük Şehir Belediyesi (Kültür A.Ş.) Yay.

  • Yazar

    Saffet Emre Tonguç

  • Kitap Türü


  • Yayın Dili


  • Marka


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